I address you now personally because you claim to not only be a
boylover and to understand boylovers, but can give boylovers help and
Some months ago, you came into this group proclaiming to make positive
contributions. For a time you did. Now I see you have not only
ceased to make such contributions, but are guilty of encouraging a
rash of trollmania by constantly crossposting into this group in your
response to them, although I have asked you quite politely to cease
and desist. You said you would. I see you have not. Furthermore,
your claim that ASBL as a support group is not supported by your
actions. The group is filled with bile and hatred toward boylovers
and you are supporting that instead.
How do you expect anyone to respect your wishes regarding what or what
not is to be posted in ASBL when you have blatant disregard?
How do you say hypocrite and liar in Japanese?
Perhaps George might know.
What difference does it make?
I have tried to make sure that posts only get cross-posted back to
groups from which they came.
I have tried to ignore the totally ignorant, and have tried to discuss
matters with people I think MIGHT see the difference.
I have never turned down anyone asking for help.
I have tried to encourage people to consider the consequences of the
decisions that they make.
I have repeatedly reached out to people who don't feel comfortable
posting but still need support.
I have been 100% honest about what I believe and warned people of the
consequences of "bragging" about how they break the law.
In the past, I have shared my feelings, my writings, my poetry, my
whole life story is burried in the archives of asbl.
So I ask you, what difference does it make?
I'm not sure I even know what's real anymore. I'm pretty certain that
despite the fact that everything I've ever posted is true, that
there's nothing real about me. I don't think I ever really existed. So
what difference will it make if I go?
I am sorry you feel that way.
I am not asking you to review and evaluate your entire life.
You must live your life in the best way that you can. That is what is
real, my friend.
I am asking you to stop crossposting to this group. You said you
would, but you haven't.
Oh, and 4s00th ... we all go sooner or later and we all will be
forgotten. And, yes, in the end it will probably not make a
difference. With that in mind, I plan living my life as best as I can
and to stick around for as long as I can. I'm in no hurry. I don't
think you should be either.
ASBL. It would do you good.