Post by Fred HallPost by You Make It You Spend ItSO, aGAIN, you're trying to convince
yourself that your postings increased
roughly 10 times their norm, while you're on
your *road trip*, involved in an activity that
should have taken away your chances to
foam on Usenet, over 100 times within the
first 2 days of your yearly road trip to Joplin
(LOL!!!), but when you get home and in front
of your PC you basically get off of Usenet,
compared to your *road trip* average?
Really, idiot?
Once again
...this year's *road trip* posting average was about 10 times higher
than your current posting average?
Liar, I stayed exactly where we agreed (nearly 3 months in advance) the
wace would start... the place that YOU bluffed about having facts and
proof about, the very place that you bluffed your brother was "very
close" to. I called your bluff and you've never backed up any of your
claims, and you sure didn't get here for the wace, just as I predicted
nearly 3 months in advance.
Post by Fred HallPost by You Make It You Spend ItPost by Fred HallYou have no business.
Liar, you claimed that you have *facts* and
*all the proof* about my business
You h
No proof noted
Post by Fred HallPost by You Make It You Spend Itabout 4 months ago, after you spent over 6
months stalking...nearly a year has gone by
and you still have NOT provided one fact or
any proof, whatsoever, that the business
exists or doesn't.
You r
Deflection noted
Post by Fred HallPost by You Make It You Spend ItAll you've done is make excuses for why you
can't backup your lies, bluffs and
assumptions, month after month.
Back up what?
Your bluffs about having facts and proof. Your bluff about your
*brother* Mark knowing me in real life. Keep running and making excuses,
You, because you're a self-admitted shut-in?
You are a low-life OLD loser and always will be.
Post by Fred HallPost by You Make It You Spend ItAnd you still claimed that your brother Mark
was very close, knows me in real life, is the
new owner of the business; what did you
mean, idiot?
You figure it out
Ah, why do you squirm every single time I call your bluff, Inept
As a deflection because you refused to backup your bluffs about your
brother knowing me in real life by getting here like we agreed to,
months prior to you needing to change the starting point of the wace,
Post by Fred HallPost by You Make It You Spend ItPost by Fred HallYou deny Mark's existence?
Who's Mark? I don't know who he is;
wouldn't know him from Adam. You're
foaming down the wrong driveway, Inept
Fweddie, and you know it. That's why you
sent the URL, begging for the stalked to
bail-out the stalker by filling in the blanks,
after **you** already had all the blanks filled
in with Mark's info. And that's why you
tucked-tail and used Fin and Feather's
driveway as an excuse not to go anywhere
near Mark's driveway.
I was at the Fin and Feather. Where were
Waiting for you to backup your bluffs about you having *facts* and *all
the proof* about MY business, not Fin and Feather's, coward. And I
expected for you to bring your "brother" Mark along, seeing how you
claimed that he knows me in real life, liar. ;)
Post by Fred HallPost by You Make It You Spend Itb.t.w. You claimed that Mark knows me in
real life; get here, bluffer. ;)
Get where?
Proof that you have no facts or proof, and that your Mark doesn't know
me in real life duly noted.
Post by Fred HallMaybe for next year's race you'll name a
starting point that exists in real life.
Why wait until next year, bluffer? Your *brother* knows me in real life,
so aGAIN, have him Mapquest you the directions to his house, then he can
wipe your tears and carry you down to the business that you claim to
have "facts" and "all the proof" about.
"We'll figure it all out then, won't we? :)" --Me, months ago
Post by Fred HallPost by You Make It You Spend ItYou, because you spent a day and a half
foaming to Usenet, making over 100
postings to Usenet while ON a *road trip* to
Joplin (LMAO!!) ...and allowed yourself
about an hour or so to get from the *Dallas
area* to Gore, OK, idiot?
Evasion noted
Post by Fred HallCheck last June's record.
To see if you told the truth about how you claim that you do NOT post
during your road trips, as your proof that you take a vacation, and to
see that you're just reliving those old memories and trying to interject
their details into this year's pretend road trip that you made over 100
postings to Usenet just within the first 2 days of this year's *road
trip*, after you've already stated that you never post when you're on
your yearly free-loadin' road trip? Remember to stay off of Usenet next
With you entering your farm truck that you forgot was already sold when
you got caught referring to it in the past-tense, inept idiot?
Post by Fred HallPost by You Make It You Spend ItPost by Fred Hallinvented the *farm truck*
Because you used it in the past-tense and
explained the reason for that was because
it's sold, loser?
Backpedal noted
Post by Fred Hallabout your imaginary business
Liar, you're the one that got caught inventing an imaginary desk job for
yourself after you got laughed at for admitting that you never have to
leave the house because your *work* is your home PC, not a desk job in
Post by Fred HallPost by You Make It You Spend ItLiar, how do you invent a desk job for
yourself that's in town, after you've already
admitted that your *desk job* is in your
home, not through your front door and into
the real world, self-admitted shut- in? :)
Evasion noted
Post by Fred Hallsome folks do have an office, and are allowed
to do much of their work from home.
But not you, wept that your *desk job* is your home PC and
that you NEVER have to leave the house. You only invented the **down
town office** after I laughed at you and said you just described
yourself as being a shut-in, bum.
Post by Fred HallPost by You Make It You Spend ItBecause I caught you referring to your entry
for the wace in the past- tense, and when I
called you on it your excuse was that you
don't keep every vehicle that you buy...
aGAIN, fool, how did you intend to wace
with a ***sold*** truck? :)
Evasion noted
Post by Fred Hallyou are, didn't show.
Liar, you didn't backup your bluffs about your *brother* knowing me in
real life by showing up, all you did was make over 100 postings to
Usenet instead of proving that you really took that *road trip* to
Joplin, Mo. LMAO!!!
Post by Fred HallPost by You Make It You Spend ItIdiot, why did you just admit that you're so
owned and leashed to Usenet that you post
from home, work and while on vacation, but
you're dumb enough to state that you have a
life off of Usenet?
Some like to watch TV after work
As in off of Usenet? :)
Post by Fred Hallsome like watch Asian movies.
As in "like watch" off of Usenet? :)
Leashed to Usenet, when you claimed to have a life off of Usenet? :)
"You brought me here." --Inept Fweddie, leashed (Jan 2005)
Post by Fred HallUsenet is my entertainment.
Leashed to Usenet, when you claimed to have a life off of Usenet, luser?
You, because you're jealous of GTOs and the real world, self-admitted
shut-in. :)
Post by Fred HallI'm able to post while on vacation
Leashed to Usenet, when you claimed to have a life off of Usenet? :)
Leashed to Usenet, when you claimed to have a life off of Usenet? :)
Post by Fred Halland whilst at home?
Leashed to Usenet, when you claimed to have a life off of Usenet? :)
Post by Fred HallAble to post when and where I want?
Leashed to Usenet, when you claimed to have a life off of Usenet? :)
(LOL) And you claimed that you've been doing this for nearly 2 decades,
yes? =3D)
Post by Fred HallPost by You Make It You Spend Itb.t.w. Who was driving while you made
about 100 postings in the first 24 hours of
your pretend road trip? And did you forget
your previous excuse that you used for why
you do NOT post during a 2 week period
each July, because you take a 2 week
**road trip** each year to Joplin (LMAO) so
you can mooch free food and a bed off of
your family, OLD freeloader?
Jesus, cunt
Evasion, foam and you not being able to explain why you posted over 100
times within the first 2 days of your *road trip* after you previously
wept as proof that you take a vacation is that you NEVER post while on a
vacation duly noted.
Post by Fred HallPost by You Make It You Spend ItAnd you still didn't backup your bluffs about
your *brother* knowing me in real life by
showing up, of course.
Mark is still your brother
Liar, you said that he was YOUR brother and that he knows me in real
life, until I called your bluff and told you to send Mark by so he could
go for a test drive in my GTO...but let me call your bluff again, say Mark is my brother and that he's the new owner??? SO, if
you think you have proof about "Mark G." and his business, post it.
Better yet, get's been over 4 months now, bluffer.
Post by Fred Hall--
Just in case you don't know this, you are
more annoying than the cockroaches that
creep into houses after a good rain. And less
valuable too.-- Polonius Commenting On the
Usefulness of DitaFuck The inept Okie
*** wept:
"God forbid you should hold jobs or have lives that keep you from
annoying the ever-living shit out of everybody who simply wants to read
up on this NG."
"Just in case you don't know this, you are more annoying than the
cockroaches that creep into houses after a good rain. And less valuable
"Just meet up and kill each other. The entire world will thank you.
Blister and pawn and own and spnak each other until you die--just do it
in your local roadside or RV trailer park, you pathetic wastes of
"Or meet up, for pity's sake, and mosey on down to your local Wal-Mart
SuperCenter and fight to the death"
(Ah, looks like OLD Fweddie is included in 3 death wishes, and I bet
Inept Fweddie is STILL desperate enough to continue slurping
Polonius...Fweddie says that Polonius didn't make this posting and
Polonius isn't mad at OLD Fweddie, but Inept Fweddie forgets that his
sig comes from the EXACT same Polonius posting where all of these death
wishes originated - LMAO!!)
Polonius owns Fweddie!